Flystrike / Maggots

Flystrike (also known as Myiasis) is when flies lay their eggs on a rabbit's skin (usually around the bottom). The eggs quickly hatch and the maggots chew their way into the rabbit's skin. This can happen within hours and can very quickly become fatal.

Always check your rabbit's bottom daily, and every time you pick him up.

Risk Factors
Any rabbit can get flystrike but the risk is highest for rabbits with dirty bottoms, wet fur or wounds. Flystrike is especially common during hot weather, mainly summer, but it can occur at any time.

* Rabbits are particularly susceptible to Flystrike if they are unable to keep themselves clean of urine and faeces. Urinary infection or bladder sludge can cause urine dribbling, soaking the fur with urine and attracting flies. If your rabbit’s diet is not balanced it may frequently get poopy butt.

* Obesity can make it impossible for a rabbit to clean urine or faeces from its fur and so can arthritis, which is made even more problematic by obesity. In addition, obesity can make it very difficult for a rabbit to squat properly when it toilets and the fur can become soiled.

* Painful dental problems can make a rabbit reluctant or unable to clean itself properly and can also result in a soiled bottom.

* The smell of damp fur has been known to attract flies. Keep your rabbit dry by providing adequate shelter from rain etc.

* Check your rabbit’s scent glands regularly because dirty scent glands are very malodorous and will attract flies. 

* Another problem is unsanitary living conditions. Soiled bedding and litter must be removed regularly, preferably daily. Left in the rabbit’s home, it too will attract flies, and will itself soil fur.

* Don’t forget that house rabbits can also be at risk!

Warning signs
All rabbits should have their bottoms checked daily, especially in summer. However, if any bunny is quiet and listless; or appears restless and shows signs of discomfort, pick them up immediately and check for eggs or maggots.

Please note that it is not always the bottom that can become soiled, for example, Flystrike is surprisingly common just above the tail and in other areas of the rabbit’s body.

What to do if you find fly eggs or maggots
Don't just try and clean the rabbit yourself - call your vet IMMEDIATELY.

Flystrike is a true emergency - day or night - and treatment cannot wait. So long as it does not delay your trip to the vet, pick off any visible maggots with tweezers. Do not dunk the rabbit in water: fur in the affected area may need to be shaved and wet fur clogs the clippers. Flystrike is a very serious condition and is, sadly, often fatal. However, rabbits can make a full recovery if the condition if found and treated quickly. Flyblown rabbits are usually in pain and severe shock, and need skilled veterinary and nursing care.

How Flystrike is Treated
The vet will usually sedate or anaesthetise your rabbit to carry out a very thorough examination. Fur will be clipped away so that the vet can find and remove all maggots on your rabbit’s body. Anaesthesia carries a much higher risk than normal because flyblown rabbits may be in shock. If the vet finds that maggots have already eaten into the rabbit’s body, euthanasia may well be recommended.

How to Prevent Flystrike
As well as treating the immediate symptoms, try to establish why this is happening, prevention being far better than cure. The onus is entirely on the owner to keep a regular check on the rabbit. Even healthy, active rabbits get dirty bottoms from time to time and we can never assume that because our bunnies are usually clean, that they will always be clean.

* In the summer months especially, rabbits must be checked at least twice per day. It only takes a few hours from flies laying eggs to maggots hatching and eating into a rabbit’s flesh and once they are established, huge damage can be done, from which many rabbits don’t recover.

* Check that your rabbit is eating a healthy diet to help prevent poopy butt. If the bottom is dirty, wash it with warm water. Rinse thoroughly and dry. More information on butt baths can be found here - Poopy Butt.

* Keep your rabbit’s scent glands clean. Information on how to clean scent glands can be found here - Scent Glands.

* Urine left on the fur and skin can cause scalding, where the skin becomes red, inflamed and very sore. Ask your vet for anti-inflammatory medicine and for a topical cream that will form a barrier and at the same time moisturise the skin. More information about this can be found here - Urine and Rain Scald

* Keep your rabbit’s housing spotlessly clean. Remove soiled bedding every day & disinfect soiled housing weekly with rabbit safe products.

* Take physical Fly prevention measures. There are lots of ideas here - Fly Prevention.

* Use preventative treatments such as Fly Guard (available from eBay) on your rabbit. This product kills any fly eggs that are laid on your rabbit.

Remember to check all rabbit’s bottoms twice a day - and more often on hot days! Keep their living conditions clean, and take preventative measures.

Source: Flystrike (myiasis) and how to prevent it - SaveAFluff

Further Reading:

Myiasis, also called fly-strike, is more frequently observed during the hot humid summer months. It is caused by several kinds of insects that lay their eggs in the wounded skin of mammals.
Myiasis (fly-strike) in Rabbits - MediRabbit

Flystrike is also called ‘myiasis’.  It happens when flies lay their eggs on your rabbit, and those eggs hatch out into maggots. Maggots from blowflies: bluebottles and green bottles, are the most dangerous.  They can eat into your rabbit’s flesh within 24 hours which can cause death in a very short time.
Flystrike in Rabbits - RWAF

As disgusting as the subject is, we cannot ignore this eminent warm-weather danger. Flies can strike a healthy animal who has temporary loose stools, but at particular risk are your ageing, disabled, or overweight rabbits who are not able to clean themselves. 
Flystrike - The House Rabbit Society

WARNING: This article is not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. This article is for the good of rabbits everywhere since fly strike happens both indoors and outdoors.
Fly-Strike Emergency - the House Rabbit Society

This is another potentially deadly threat to rabbits that is more common during the warmer months. House flies are attracted to odours such as urine, faeces and diseased or infected areas on a rabbit. 
Fly Strike - Special Bunny


Fly and Mosquito Prevention


Grasses and Pasture Plants