Rabbit Proofing Your House

Digging and Chewing are behaviours that we see in a negative light... but is this fair? Not really because Rabbits are hard wired to dig and chew - it's what they do to interact with, and explore their world. If this world happens to be your home, then any unwanted attention to your furnishings, carpets and curtains may be a problem .... to us!

Because buns are programmed to dig and chew, we have to try to outsmart them or to offer them acceptable alternatives - finding said acceptable alternatives can however be a challenge.

We can't use punishment or growling to stop this behaviour. Doing so is likely to cause stress to your rabbit and this could actually increase or escalate the unwanted behaviour.

I try to make any attempts I make to stop undesirable behaviour neutral - so not involving any action by me in person. Basically we have to accept we cannot necessarily stop this behaviour. Instead we need to try to redirect and prevent them doing by covering areas with ceramic tiles, alternative/sacrificial mats like rag rugs or jute rugs to dig and chew, appealing things to chew instead - like boxes or WW's Seagrass Mats, or fencing off vulnerable areas until the habit is broken.

"Rabbits are amazing, but they do have some behaviours that are a little destructive. It’s not uncommon to find that they chewed into an important wire or dug into the corner of your carpet. Luckily there are some tried and true ways to bunny proof your home. You can make sure your rabbit doesn’t end up in any dangerous situations, and help keep your home safe from your troublesome rabbit."
The Complete Guide to Bunny Proof Your Home - The Rabbit Lady


"Bunny-proofing your home is part of living with a house rabbit. It includes preventing damage to your property, protecting your rabbit from harm, and giving your rabbit safe and fun chewing alternatives. Wild rabbits chew through tree roots and brambles to make their burrows, and their domestic cousins, our pet rabbits, will instinctively chew items in their environment, too. The joy of living with a house rabbit is well worth the effort of protecting both his well being and your valuables."
Bunny proofing your home - Long Island Rabbit Rescue Group

Here at Westley’s World I use Heavy duty Carpet Film to protect the carpet from pee. This film is available from numerous home decorating retailers. Mine came from Millen.

"Rabbits can be curious, inquisitive and even downright adventurous. They need owners who are well versed in bunny-proofing to help protect them from their own curiosity."
Hazards - Ontario Rabbit Education Organisation

"Rabbit Proofing one’s home involves three things:
1) Preventing destruction of your property;
2) Protecting your companion rabbit(s) from harm; and
3) Providing safe and fun chewing alternatives for your rabbit."
Rabbit Proofing - The House Rabbit Society


"Rabbit proofing your home will be absolutely necessary if your rabbit will be in your house outside of his cage. Some people prefer to set up an indoor fenced exercise area for their rabbit, so the rabbit proofing does not need to be quite so intense."
How to Rabbit Proof Your Home: Potential Problems and Solutions - Pet Coach.

"Pet rabbits love to dig and chew. In order to protect your house rabbit as well as your home you’ll need to bunny proof. We’ll show you how."
Bunny Proofing Your House - My House Rabbit

Carpet Digging and Chewing
Read on to learn what rabbits have against carpet and how to stop the digging.
Rabbit Behaviour Problem: Digging the Carpet

Offer alternatives to chew, destroy and protect vulnerable areas and edges!


Poopy Butt / Cecal Disbiosis


Rabbit Proofing Your Plants & Garden